We are on hiatus until August!

The August sign-up forms are now available.

The 6AMERS is an achievement and accountability group, led by Emily Bossert and Gordon Golub.
6AMERS meets on Tuesday & Thursday at both 6am ET and 6am PT.


Register - West Coast Register - East Coast

The 6AMERS Achievement and Accountability Group is made up of individuals who are dedicated to helping each other create a healthy mindset, happiness in our personal lives, and achievement in our professional life through waking up early, having a routine and building a community that cares and helps each other out!

You can also follow the 6AMERS on Instagram.

Every Tuesday you’ll join a 40-45 minute Zoom call at 6AM (ET or PT) for inspiring interviews and mindfulness sessions.

On Mondays you’ll respond to the Question of the Day posted in the private 6AMERS Workplace group.


Our 6AMER hosts are dedicated to helping our Compass community focus on reaching their full potential.

Emily Bossert

Sales Manager
Denver, CO

Gordon Golub

Regional Vice President


What our agents are saying about the power of Coaching at Compass.

Skye – These resources are priceless! Thank you for all you do!

– Hala Adra

This was our first Ninja coaching experience – wow, Amazing.
Life changing. I can not wait to implement these into our business.

-Matt Mckee, McKee Group

Ninja Selling changed my life, in real estate but in life. I highly recommend it; it will be a gamechanger for you.

-Danica Matos, NFMS Group

The coaches are super relatable and Chirag is able to coach from a place of authenticity and kindness and offers great deliverables.

-Coco Harris

You gotta do it. GoodSphere will change the way you look at your business.

-Russell Pruner

You have changed my life by leaps and bounds! I’m more grateful than I can ever put into words to have joined the 6AMers and be a part of this community.

– Tiffany Bean, White Oak Realty