Meet your guide, Zvi Band.
He wrote the book on relationships (really). Don’t worry about how to pronounce his name.
If we haven’t met before, I’m Zvi. Beyond being a father of two and a consumer of way too much hot sauce, I’ve dedicated my career to helping people like you cultivate deeper connections. Relationships have completely transformed my life, which is why I’ve led the creation of Contactually and the Compass CRM and authored a well-regarded book. I’ve brought my decade of experience to help thousands of professionals like you. I’m not focused on working directly with you, being laser focused on nurturing your sphere. Let’s do this!
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My coaching story
Looking back, your relationships have brought you to where you are today. But we get in our own way all too often – losing touch, feeling “salesy,” frozen on what to say. We get it. Our behavioral science-backed program helps you consistently cultivate the authentic connections (not “network”) that will propel your business, career, and life forward.
Backed by Behavioral Science
We understand what gets in your way – it’s that you’re human (maybe?). Rather than ignoring it, we directly address the behavioral blocks that make us feel like there’s something in our way.
Specific Tactics
We’re not going to give you some general advice. We’ve worked with thousands to develop a strategy and implement specific tactics that you can take into your own business.
Real Transformation
How many workshops have you taken where you’ve left with a pile of notes and worksheets, never to be looked at again? Our program has built-in accountability to ensure you don’t just learn… you change.
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