$4,997, for 3 months

This 90-day group coaching intensive led by Melanie Klein and Emily Bossert is designed to work on all areas of your life because we know your business is only as strong as your personal development.

We will coach and guide you to strengthen (and sustain) your success mindset, we’ll illuminate your blind spots, and help you lean into your growth edges. We will offer tools and practices to help you dig deep and find internal calm and confidence in a rapidly changing market, and take clear and purposeful action in a way that makes sense for your personal and professional goals.

You will learn to lead with your success mindset and create extraordinary results. You will receive support from two coaches with over 52 years of combined expertise and experience in integrating mindfulness and overall personal wellness with professional growth. You will learn how to create inner and external alignment in order to grow your business without burning yourself out.

Extraordinary times don’t call for more hustle and grind. That’s just more of the same. Extraordinary times require us to be extraordinary. When you dig in deep and re-shape your paradigm, you create extraordinary results for yourself and your business… quickly and easily.

Details / Dates: 

All sessions meet Wednesday at 4pm PT / 5pm MT / 7pm ET for 75 minutes 

September 11, 18, 25 

October 2, 9, 16, 30 

November 6, 20 

December 4, 11

*Meet with us live on 11 group Zoom calls

*Experience laser coaching in three 90-minute group laser coaching calls – dates TBD

*Receive 18 bonus meditations to get you in the right frame of mind to begin (and sustain) the journey

*Enjoy access to an optional virtual coworking space with cohort peers and cohort alumni.

* All sessions will be recorded and available in a membership site for the course

* You’ll receive an orientation manual and prompts each session for reflection and aligned action-taking along with accountability structures

Questions?: melanieconnieklein@gmail.com