Has Your Business Reached a Plateau?
Many business owners will experience it at some point, that plateau where you don’t necessarily feel challenged. Your business is operating successfully, but you aren’t seeing growth, and you are not sure what you can do to jump-start things and move to the next level of greatness. By no means are you floundering, but you are looking for tools and guidance to get elevated.
Mastery Team Coaching is a unique program designed to help high-caliber real estate teams and CEOs get even better. With this program, you’ll learn how to motivate a team, implement effective compensation structures, recruit and hire great people, create an exciting marketing strategy, and more. This program improves the bottom line of high-performing agents and teams, so they can ascend to the next level of business and break through the plateau.
Pricing: $3,000 per month
Questions?: Shirley@coachken.com