$1,799 / month for 3 months

Leading a team can feel like being alone on an island.

Many agents learn that building and leading a thriving team requires entirely different skills than those that made them successful transacting agents.

The good news is, you’re not alone.

And leadership can be taught.

We provide Compass Team Leaders with a uniquely structured Mastermind experience.

Group sizes are small by design. There will never be more than 10 Team Leaders in each pod.

This means you won’t get lost on group calls with hundreds of other agents

You’ll be seen and heard.

You’ll be able to learn and share in a fun, collaborative, and completely non-judgemental environment.

Which means you’ll grow as an entrepreneur and as a leader.

OK, enough of the salesy stuff…


  • 1x 60-75 min Zoom call per week for 12 weeks

  • Weekly “Hot Seats”. The entire group does a deep dive into the most pressing challenge of 1-2 members. This is massively helpful to the agent and the entire mastermind gains insight from group problem-solving.
    *Hot seat is optional. You’ll never be forced to participate

  • Groups are carefully curated to ensure you’re surrounded by collaborative agents who all have something unique to contribute

  • Compass Marketplace Performance Coach Gregg Sugerman and Team Principal Kerry Carr facilitate the calls.

    Gregg has conducted over 700 one-on-one calls with Compass agents and leaders, and Kerry’s Team has done over 250 transactions in the past 24 months, growing her team’s production by over 20% each year for the last 4 years

The Compass Small Team Leader Mastermind may be right for you if you’ve ever wondered how other team leaders across the country: 

  • Handle team agreements

  • Structure commission splits

  • Handle operations and profit/loss tracking as your team grows

  • Recruit and retain (or fire) talent

  • Utilize technology as a force multiplier

  • Hold teammates accountable

  • Lead Generation and Lead Distribution among your team

  • Client appreciation events

  • Closing gifts

  • Standard Operating Procedures and Onboarding Manuals

  • Marketing/Social Media

  • Develop their team structures

  • How to shape and inspire your team members’ attitudes and mindset

  • How to celebrate wins and learn from losses


Each approved member must:

  • Be a principal team leader with a team size of 2-10

  • Truly embody the “Collaborate Without Ego” spirit

  • Be willing to give at least as much as you get. A Mastermind is truly successful when all members are open and honest. Sharing both their successes as well as their challenges.


  • $1,799 per month for three months

  • Pay with Marketing Budget! – if you have Marketing Budget, you can use it to register for this program. Simply checkout with a credit card, then submit your receipt to the Marketing Reimbursements form on Knack. If you have any questions, email us at coaching@compass.com

Questions: email gregg@greggsugerman.com with questions.